“We came to an absolutely simple solution to start our own plantations of energy willow. Were we right? It has already been four years since that time; we have experience and success stories. The price for solid biofuel has increased significantly. We notice that since 2015 and to date the price of pellets has increased more than twice. The internal rate of return on energy willow planting is over 30 per cent. I want to emphasize that we use solely Swedish breeds of energy willow on our plantations, because they are highly effective,”- claims Trushevskyi.
The Group of Companies Ukrteplo has its own Centre of Energy Willow Planting – the modern innovative space for energy plant cultivation. It is important that investment is fully covered by a second crop – the average cost of planting 1 ha is 1000 EUR, 1 ha of energy willow = 20 tons of biomass per year = 4500 m3 of natural gas = 36 Gcal.